You can find here research published by coordinators and members of RGCS network. It deals with collaborative spaces, collaborative communities, collaborative movements, and theoretical perspectives likely to shed light on them. Articles and conference papers are in English, in French or in Spanish.

1. Literature about collaborative communities and collaborative spaces

1.1 Literature about coworking spaces and coworking communities

1.2 Literature about DIY, makers, hackers and fab labs communities

2. Literature about politics and collaborative movements

2.1 Literature about politics and coworking movement

2.2 Literature about politics and maker and hacker movement  

3. Literature about entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity

4. Literature about materiality, space and work practices

5. Literature about work transformations, capitalism and future of work

6. Literature about communities, leadership and community-building

7. Literature about cooperatives and cooperative movements

8. Literature about open source communities and open source innovation